Food Testing Services

Grain Testing

Food grains, Pulses like Rice, Millets, Maize, Wheat, and Other Pulses.

Cereal Products Testing

Wheat Atta,Maida, suji , Besan & Other Flours Testing

Analysis Parameters


Physical parameters, Moisture, , Aflatoxin, , Pesticides, Heavy metals, Nutritional value & Quality check As per FSSAI


Combined one parameter is E.Coli, Salmonella, Shigella, S.aureus, L.monocytogens, Clostridium, Vibrio cholera as the Pathogen test.

Milk & Milk Product Testing

Milk, Cream, Cream Powder, Curd, Channa, Paneer, Cheese, Ice Cream, Kulfi, Ice Cream mix, Frozen Dessert, Condensed / Evaporated Milk, Milk Powder, Infant Milk Food, Khoa, Table /Desi Butter, Ghee, Chkka, Shrikhand, Yogurt, Whey Powder.

Analysis Parameters


Detection of adulterants, Salt, Fat, SNF, Quality check As per FSSAI& Nutritional value.


Combined one parameter is E.Coli, Salmonella, Shigella, S.aureus, L.monocytogens, Clostridium, Vibrio cholera as the Pathogen test.

Spices Testing

Whole or ground spices, Instant mix, Seasonings.

Analysis Parameters


Curcumin content, extraneous matters, Moisture, Total ash, Alcoholic extract, Volatile oils, Crude fiber, Adulterants, Added Colour, Quality check As per FSSAI & Nutritional value


Combined one parameter is E.Coli, Salmonella, Shigella, S.aureus, L.monocytogens, Clostridium, Vibrio cholera as the Pathogen test.

Edible Oil Testing

Oil seeds, All kind of edible Oils, Groundnut oil , Cottonseed Oil , Sunflower oil, Maize Oil, Til Oil, Soyabean Oil

Analysis Parameters


Moisture, Specific Gravity, Refractive Index, Flash point, Melting point, Iodine value, Saponification Value,Acid Value & Free Fatty Acids ,Rancidity, Adulteration with different oils, Quality check As per FSSAI & Nutritional value

Animal Feed Testing

Oil seeds, Oils, Fish meal, Extracted flours

Analysis Parameters


Moisture, Phosphorous, Protein, Oil/Fat,, Urea, Quality check & Nutritional value


Combined one parameter is E.Coli, Salmonella, Shigella, S.aureus, L.monocytogens, Clostridium, Vibrio cholera as the Pathogen test.

Juice & Beverages Testing

Health drink, Juices, Beverages, Alcoholic beverages, Milk shake.

Analysis Parameters


Alcohol content, Total acidity, Preservatives, Vitamins, Acidity, Food Colour, Brix, Quality check as per FSSAI & Nutritional value


Combined one parameter is E.Coli, Salmonella, Shigella, S.aureus, L.monocytogens, Clostridium, Vibrio cholera as the Pathogen test.

Sea Food Testing

The seafood quality testing is important as it prevent the tainted seafood from reaching the market. These types of tests analyze the quality of seafood and the nutritional content present in it.

Analysis Parameters


Sulphur dioxide (Sodium meta bisulphate as SO2), Moisture, Phosphate (as PO4) Polyphosphate (as P2O5), Total Ash, Total Volatile Base Nitrogen (TVBN), Total fat, Tri methyl amine (TMA), Protein, Salt content


Combined one parameter is E.Coli, Salmonella, Shigella, S.aureus, L.monocytogens, Clostridium, Vibrio cholera as the Pathogen test.

Bakery Product Testing

Biscuits, pastry, Cookies, Toast, Bread

Analysis Parameters


Nutritional value, Moisture, Preservatives, Food colour, Quality check as per FSSAI & Nutritional value


Combined one parameter is E.Coli, Salmonella, Shigella, S.aureus, L.monocytogens, Clostridium, Vibrio cholera as the Pathogen test.

Tea & Coffeee Product Testing

Black tea, White tea, Green tea, Instant mix tea, Lemon tea

Analysis Parameters


Total Ash, Water Soluble Ash, Alkalinity of water soluble ash expressed as KOH, Acid-insoluble ash, Water extract, Crude Fiber, Caffeine content, Food color, Quality check as Per FSSAI & Nutritional Value Testing


Combined one parameter is E.Coli, Salmonella, Shigella, S.aureus, L.monocytogens, Clostridium, Vibrio cholera as the Pathogen test.

Sugar & Confectionary Product Testing

Sugar candies, chocolates, candied fruits and nuts, chewing gum,jam, Sweets.

Analysis Parameters


Moisture, Total Ash, Reducing Sugar, Sulpher Dioxide, Sulphated ash, Milk fat, Quality check as Per FSSAI & Nutritional Value Testing


Combined one parameter is E.Coli, Salmonella, Shigella, S.aureus, L.monocytogens, Clostridium, Vibrio cholera as the Pathogen test.

Processed Food Testing

Our specialized food inspectors and lab technicians can perform quality and safety checks on all categories of processed food (Sauces, Cooked food, Curry, semi cooked food)

Analysis Parameters


Fat profiles (saturated, mono, poly, trans fats), Protein and carbohydrate content, Cholesterol, Sugar profile, Dietary fiber, Vitamins, minerals, Total calories, calories from fat,pH level, Authenticity and label claims. Quality check as Per FSSAI & Nutritional Value Testing


Combined one parameter is E.Coli, Salmonella, Shigella, S.aureus, L.monocytogens, Clostridium, Vibrio cholera as the Pathogen test.

Health Supplement Testing

Energy Drink, Health supplement powder, Fortified whey protein, Vitamins capsule and liquid

Analysis Parameters


Vitamins, Minerals, Protein, Adulteration & authenticity as per label claim


Combined one parameter is E.Coli, Salmonella, Shigella, S.aureus, L.monocytogens, Clostridium, Vibrio cholera as the Pathogen test.

Fruits & Vegetables Testing

We Provide the Testing Services for Fruits & Vegetable Products Analysis as per food Safety & Standard Regulations and as per the Indian Standards.


Combined one parameter is E.Coli, Salmonella, Shigella, S.aureus, L.monocytogens, Clostridium, Vibrio cholera as the Pathogen test.

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